Diploma In Pediatric Technicians
Pediatric technicians are trained to identify and work with a full range of a child’s special needs. Their care and support include medical treatments, daily task management, age transition activities, social engagement techniques, and independence development. In carrying out these responsibilities, technicians work closely with doctors, nurses, teachers, social service advisors, child advocate attorneys, and other consultants. They typically have a nursing or mental health background.
Pediatric technicians work at different levels of special needs child care and with various extended service providers. They treat and provide care for children with illnesses such as autism, cerebral palsy, sensory impairments and emotional, congenital, muscular, or neurological disorders. Some of the areas of care, treatment, and support include therapy, language, and instruction on adaptive equipment. These technicians provide care for children with special needs in a variety of environments, such as medical, home, and specialized care.
English, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology
How Do I Get Started ?
Contact our admissions team. We will help you explore our programs to determine which one best fits with your career goals and map out your plan towards academic success. We will go over the course overview, program length, and class schedules to support you during the decision making process. You will also get a glimpse of the GeedyStar College student life and view our medical training labs on a campus tour. All you have to do is fill out the form, call us, or visit our campus. Be sure to contact an admission advisor by calling or WhatsApp on;
+234-706-1703-877 *** geedystar@gmail.com
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